
Join us tonight at Pastor Ryan’s house for a time of fellowship and community. Pastor Ryan’s address is 6580 Osage Drive Hamilton, OH 45011

Almost New years Eve Party

The Almost New Years Eve Party is December 28 from 11:00 PM–December 29 at 6:00 AM. The district rents out Dave and Busters and you get to play games, eat food and hangout with friends all night for just $50! Let Pastor Ryan know if you plan on going.


Today the children will begin the service in the sanctuary and then be dismissed to children’s church. Next Sunday they will go directly to children’s church.

Registration Form

Church Life & Information

Bulletin December 4, 2016

Prayer Requests

Please pray for the following in our church family: Charlie Dolin, Wayne Gudmundson, Mike Parks (passing of mother), Art & Frances Reece and Mike Yauger.

Giving Tree

Check out the giving tree today, located by the main entrance to the gym. It’s a great way for you to reach out to someone this Christmas. Take one or more ornaments from the tree, purchase the item listed and return it under the tree UNWRAPPED with the ornament attached to the package. Gifts need to be returned by December 18. See Pastor Terry with questions. Donations of wrapping paper are also needed.

All-Church Christmas Celebration

Our annual all-church Christmas celebration will be next Sunday evening, at 6:00 PM. The family oriented program will be about forty-five minutes. Following the program we will have cookies and a visit from a snowman and another guest. Be sure to bring your camera! This is a great opportunity to invite your family and friends! Could you help provide some cookies? Sign up at the information table today. For those participating in the program, there will be rehearsal from 3:00-5:00 PM on the 11th with pizza provided.

Christmas Banquet

All adults are invited to a Christmas Banquet at Higher Ground on Thursday, December 15. The was previously the Ambassadors Christmas party. Hors d’oeuvres will be at 6:00 PM with dinner at 6:30 PM. The cost is $18.50 per person. You can sign up at the information table. The deadline for reservations is next Sunday. Payments can be given to Jean Young. Checks should be made to Higher Ground. A white elephant gift exchange (optional) will be held. Remember, this is open to all adults in the church.

Christmas Schedule

December 24, Christmas Eve Candlelight Service—5:00 PM
December 25, Christmas Service—10:30 AM

December 25, Christmas Service—10:30 AM

Both services will last approximately 1 hour and be much alike but slightly different.

Men's Small Group

Men, the following three small groups are available for you to be a part of: Tuesdays and Wednesdays at 7:00 PM; Saturdays at 7:00 AM. See Pastor Dan or David McKain for more information and locations.

This Week At FCN

Today, December 4

9:00 AM.......Donuts, Juice and Coffee
9:30.......Morning Worship

10:00 AM.......Nilles Road Campus Morning Service-Spanish

11:00 AM.......Sunday School

11:30 AM.......Nilles Road Campus Sunday School-Spanish
5:30 PM......Teen Service

Monday, December 5

6:30 PM.......ESL Christmas Party

Wednesday, December 7

7:00 PM.......Adults - Men's and Women's Bible Study
7:00 PM........Teens

7:00 PM.......Children-Caravan

7:00 PM......Nilles Road Campus Worship Service—Spanish

Thursday, December 8

7:00 PM....... Worship Team Rehearsal

Looking Ahead


11.......All-Church Christmas Program
13........Church Board Meeting

14.......Food Pantry Toy Giveaway

15.......All-Church Christmas Banquet at Higher Ground

19.......River Road Staff Open Houses

24.......Christmas Eve Service

25.......Christmas Worship

28.......Almost New Years Eve Party

This Week's Bulletin PDF

Last Week's Bulletin PDF

River road Campus: 12190 East Miami River Road | Cincinnati, Ohio 45252 | 513-829-3752
Nilles Campus: 1425 Nilles Road | Fairfield, Ohio 45014