La iglesia del Nazareno de Fairfield quisiera ofrecer clases de los principios y los intermedios.
Donde: Iglesia del Nazareno de Fairfield. 1425 Nilles Rd., Fairfield, OH 45014 Cerca la cruza de la Ruta 4 y Nilles Rd.
Para registarse, llame la iglesia del Nazareno de Fairfield, numero (513) 829-3752
Fairfield Church of the Nazarene is offering beginning and intermediate classes.
Where: Fairfield Church of the Nazarene at 1425 Nilles Rd., Fairfield, Ohio 45014 Near the intersection of Route 4 and Nilles Rd.
Child care is provided for those who needs it.
For more information about registration call The Fairfield Church of the Nazarene at (513) 829-3752.